Friday, September 12, 2014

Friendly Introduction!

Hello to whoever's watching! I'm Rachel, and I've been crocheting since I was 15. Although for the first 3 years of it I didn't take crochet too seriously and only did it every so often, my passion for it has definitely blossomed within the last few years, and I've recently decided that I really want to get more involved in the crochet world! Unfortunately, there aren't many crochet groups in the town I live in. So it looks like I'm going to have to rely primarily on the Internet! But that's not a problem--don't get me wrong! I'm very eager to interact with other crocheters (Mikey from the Crochet Crowd affectionately refers to us crocheters as "hookers", lol!) and for us to share our love of the craft through pattern, picture, and crochet tip sharing--as well as offering our own personal opinions and reviews of products and materials utilized for crocheting. I intend on soon sharing a cool pattern I found online and a picture of the finished project, but I need just a little more time to get it all organized for posting.  I'm excited! Although the pattern is not my own, I did do just a few little things differently. I do very much so intend on committing myself to writing my own patterns to share with you. I have so much to learn with pattern-designing! Tips are definitely welcome and appreciated!. I've already got a finished project that I'm going to start writing up the pattern for, which, convenient for both you and especially me, is going to be very easy to least, it should be! So, with all that being said, I'm going to say goodbye for now and continuing preparing for my first pattern sharing post. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I'm so eager to get this blog going and to build a relationship with other crafters through our love for such a wonderful hobby! Talk to you soon!